In this video we listen to Robert F Kennedy Jr talk about his evolution in Legal Litigation Career & Advocacy to remove Mercury from the environment and water, which eventually lead him to his advocacy work against the use of Mercury in Vaccines.
Robert F Kennedy lists talks about the other concerns around Vaccines, such as their use to Scare the public into giving up their Rights and Liberties out of Fear.
We also hear form many celeberites such as Robert De Niro, Jenney McCarthy, Bill Maher, Rosie O’donnell speak out about their concerns about Vaccines over the years. Specifically the link between Mercury in Vaccines & Autism.
Other subjects that come up are Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the origins of the CDC(Center for Disease Control) and NIH National Institutes of Health and their role in nation wide and global response to pandemics such as covid-19.
Because of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation active role in Vaccine development Robert F Kennedy questions what else the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is working such as Global Satalights, a digital city in Arizona, and other Billionaires Activities in Space, 5G, which will bring global surveillance with it, in addition to highspeed communication. Which begs the question what are we really talking about?
Robert F Kennedy Jr relates the covid 19 epidemic as a planned epidemic, and talks about the Great Rest which could enslave everyone.