MTV | Pied Piper | Battle for Hearts and Minds | Sex Drugs & Rock & Roll…
In this video we review a letter read by xxx which claims there was a meeting in 1991 in Los Angeles to discuss the new direction of Hip Hop away from fun dance music to Gangster Rap in order to promote criminal behavior by influencing young impressionable minds.
This is a battle for hearts and minds.
In the late 1980’s and early 1990’s Liberals/Progressives and Neo Cons advocated for Private for Profit Buisness to compete and bid for Government contracts threw a “Free Market” and therefore take over the public prisons in order to create For Profit Prisons, paid for by the State and Federal Government on behalf of the American Tax Payers. Each inmate is worth/cost $60,000/year. The for prisons will also use the inmate population to bid for low cost labor contract from the private markets to produce manufacturing goods and services for the Free Market, which creates a domestic cheap labor market that can compete with Communist China Slave Labor, or Mexican immigrant Labor…
In sum, legalized Slavery…
However, Legalized Slavery is not limited to or dictated by Race, Gender, Creed or Color, it will enslave and utilize any inmate that falls within it’s jurisdiction, or placed within its system. This directly coincides with the war on Drugs, and other scandals such as Iran Contra, which the Federal Government thew various agencies such as the CIA and Military branches imported drugs, while exporting guns and war material around the world to fund illegal operations and wars, while arming allies and partner rebellion around the world to fight Communism, which is just an extension of the cold war the predate the Iran Contras, after the conclusion of World War 2.
But still, lets not forget the American people themselves were sold Drugs, incarcerated stripped of their rights for no violent crimes, to both fund illegal wars, and enrich the private sector of Corporate America, and now International Buisness.
Regardless if we argue this was right or wrong, necessary or not to fight Global war on Communism, the questions remains, now that we know what is happening, do we allow this to continue?
If the answer is no, then reform at minimum is needed, but we would also need to investigate and punish those both in government and the private sector for treason.
Just say’n