The Queen of Versailles is a 2012 American documentary film by Lauren Greenfield. The film depicts Jackie Siegel and David Siegel, owners of Westgate Resorts, and their family as they build their private residence — Versailles, one of the largest and most expensive single-family houses in the United States — and the crisis they face as the U.S. economy declines.
As Westgate Resorts’ finances have improved since 2013, Siegel now owns the Versailles property outright. Construction will resume with completion scheduled for 2016.[19][20] Expected to appraise over $100 million, the project will be the fourth most expensive house in the United States.[21] David Siegel and Westgate Resorts continue to operate a timeshare business, but without the PH Towers featured in the documentary.[22] As a privately held enterprise, it is unknown how much of the $1.2 billion in debt Westgate Resorts continues to owe its lenders (originally reported by Businessweek in March 15, 2012).[23]
‘Queen of Versailles’: Interview with Director Lauren Greenfield
Jackie Siegel On Husbands Illegal Election Remarks
Miss America, 1993
Jackie Siegel talks about Celebrity Wife Swap