19 thoughts on “Barack Obama

  1. Pingback: Hillary Clinton… | @jlindsay

  2. Pingback: James Comey… | @jlindsay

  3. Pingback: Shane Smith talks to President Obama about Climate Change | @jlindsay

  4. Pingback: State of Secrets | @jlindsay

  5. Pingback: Tony Rezko | @jlindsay

  6. Pingback: Rahm Emanuel | @jlindsay

  7. Pingback: Rod Blogojevich | @jlindsay

  8. Pingback: Michael Avennati Reminds me of Obama & Blagojevich wire tap in 2009’ish | @jlindsay

  9. Pingback: Reverend Jeremiah Wright | @jlindsay

  10. Pingback: Reverend Rick Warren | @jlindsay

  11. Pingback: Obama Foundation | @jlindsay

  12. Pingback: Bill Clinton | @jlindsay

  13. Pingback: How is the Obama Foundation different from The Clinton Foundation? | @jlindsay

  14. Pingback: Barack Obama’s Senate Seat for sell… | @jlindsay

  15. Pingback: Eric Holder | @jlindsay

  16. Pingback: Valerie Jarrett | @jlindsay

  17. Pingback: Machelle Obama | @jlindsay

  18. Pingback: Obama warns Mark Zuckerberg about Fake news! 2016 | @jlindsay

  19. Pingback: Bill Ayers & Barack Obama | @jlindsay

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